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what we do |  Conservation overseas |  THE JOHN ASPINALL FOUNDATION MISSION "Our commitment is to conservation, through captive breeding, education, and reintroduction" ABOUT THE JOHN ASPINALL FOUNDATION John Aspinall started his famous animal collection in 1957 when he bought Howletts Wild Animal Park. In 1973 he bought Port Lympne Wild Animal Park to help house the growing groups of animals. Today the two wild animal parks are home to over 1000 animals and 90 different species. Now through The John Aspinall Foundation, a registered charity, we work to ensure that the late John Aspinall's innovative work in protecting and breeding wild animals should continue. As well as the two wild animal parks in Kent, The John Aspinall Foundation manages two gorilla rescue and rehabilitation projects in central African countries of Gabon and Congo, where we have successfully reintroduced over 50 gorillas. It is a sad fact that humans are likely to cause the extinction of a quarter of all known species in the next 20 years, unless we work to protect them now. If just one species disappears' many others may suffer - we all rely on others to survive, upsetting this balance can put many in danger. Imagine a world without animals? Play your part in their protection today - How you can help? THE CHARITY INCLUDES Project Protection des Gorillas - Gabon in Bateke Plateau National Park Project Protection des Gorillas, Congo in Lefini Reserve Howletts - Our parks are very different from conventional zoos. It is not always possible to return animals to the wild and sometimes the only hope for the long term survival of certain species is to be able to live and breed in conditions as close to their natural habitat as possible. Conservation at home Port Lympne - Our parks are very different from conventional zoos. It is not always possible to return animals to the wild and sometimes the only hope for the long term survival of certain species is to be able to live and breed in conditions as close to their natural habitat as possible. Conservation at home JAWS - J.A.W.S is a non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the State of California, to further and advance the interests of The John Aspinall Foundation in the USA. OUR OBJECTIVES ARE To halt the extinction of rare and endangered species in the wild To continue to provide the most natural environment possible for the animals in both parks To re-introduce these animals back to their wild habitat where this is possible To continue to be world leaders in animal husbandry and breeding To be a partner and catalyst to conservation efforts at home and abroad Increasing public understanding of animals and their welfare and the issues involved in their conservation | |